CD recording Insula et Eremus February 18, 2023 26.08.-03.09.2023: CD production "Insula et Eremus" with SWR and St. Gallen Abbey Library: Reichenau Island, St. Mary and St. Mark's Minster and RWTH Aachen: virtual Gozbert Minster.
TV MakingOf Cluny February 17, 2023 16.04.2023, 09:10, SWR2 Television: Broadcast of the MakingOf about the recordings in Cluny and in virtual space at RWTH Aachen.A 20-minute documentary (directed by Nanna Schmidt) by SWR Fernsehen accompanied the recordings in the remains of the former monastery church of Cluny and in its virtual reconstruction at the RWTH Aachen in August and October 2022 (available online in the ARD-Mediathek).
SWR2 Broadcast: Cluny February 17, 2023 08.04.2023. 20-22h: SWR2 Evening Concert: Cluny - Songs of Ecstasy. Recordings of the Office of the Transfiguration of the Lord by Peter Venerabilis in Cluny and in the virtually reconstructed monastery church of Cluny.