Hermannus Contractus
The miracle of the century
Hermann the Lame of Reichenau (1013-1054) was called by his contemporaries. Although handicapped from childhood by the most severe physical disabilities, he developed into a brilliant researcher and teacher - a Stephen Hawking of the 11th century.
His student and biographer Berthold reports that Hermann composed and set to music, among other things, chants for the veneration of St. Afra, Wolfgang and Magnus of "extraordinary sweetness and outstanding euphony". Hermann was thus not only an outstanding music theorist and inventor of an interval notation, but also a highly respected composer.
In the meantime, some of his officia have been rediscovered by research. Hermann's Officium on St. Gordianus and Epimachus was recently re-identified by Stefan Morent and can also be heard in the program "Insula et Eremus".
After Ordo Virtutum has already turned to the musical culture of the island monastery of Reichenau in its so-called "golden" age (9th century) with its program "Insula felix", this program is the result of a renewed intensive examination of the "silver age" (11th century).
Excerpts from the Offices for St. Afra, Wolfgang, Magnus and Gordianus & Epimachus by Hermannus Contractus.
6-7 singers + instruments ad libitum (harp, fiddle, symphonia, organetto)
Medium to large church rooms
- Network Tour Oude Muziek (2016): Almere, Amsterdam, Delft, Maastricht, Utrecht, Eindhoven, Brussels
- Augia Concerts Reichenau (2013)
- Lake Constance Festival, Altshausen (2013)
- Imperial Palace Paderborn (2013)
- Festival Oude Muziek Utrecht (2013)
- Musica Antiqua Nuremberg (2013)
- International Lake Constance Festival (2004), Reichenau Island, Altshausen
- City church Vaihingen (2004)